24 - Zitate Season 2



8 a.m. – 9 a.m.:

Paula: “I didn’t know how you liked intel presented at impromtus, whether you like it sorted chronologically with an alphabetical key, or if you just like separate folders with access tabs.”

Tony: “Uh… I don’t really care.”

Paula: “Oh, it doesn’t matter. I did it both ways, so you can choose.”



Mason: “Tony, I tell you what. If I’m still here this time next year, take me out to the woodshed and shoot me. I’m supposed to be in DC by now, not chasing little old ladies who set off metal detectors with their damn knitting needles.”


Palmer:  “Mr. Prime Minister, if a bomb goes off today, it will hurt us, but it will destroy you.”


Mason: “Great, Almeida. Now what?”

Tony: “Back off, George. I did the best I could.”

Mason: “I guess your best isn’t very good then, is it?”

Michelle: “Look, maybe there’s another way to find Wald.”

Mason: “See, why didn’t I think of that? I bet NSA just had us bring in a burnt-out agent for the challenge of it.”



Jack: “That’s the problem with people like you, George. You want results but you never wanna get your hands dirty. I’d start rolling up your sleeves.”


Jack: “I’m gonna need a hacksaw.”

9 a.m. – 10 a.m.:

Eddie: “Jack’s back.”


Jack: “He shouldn’t have been playing with adults.”


Eddie: “Well, today we’re turning a government building into a cemetery.”

10 a.m. – 11 a.m.:

Tony: “Today of all days.”


Mason: “Easy, guys. I like my skin. Try and leave some on, alright?”

11 a.m. – 12 p.m.:

Jack: “That’s the funny thing about people like you, Joe. You wanna blame the rest of the world for everything wrong with your life. The government’s too big. They’re too powerful. Well, here’s a bit of irony for you. You got all the power now, Joe. You got all the power. Question is, what are you gonna do with it?”

12 p.m. – 1 p.m.:

Mason: “I’m not talking to you, Jack. Cause you’re not here right now.”


Jack: “You inhaled plutonium, George.”

Mason: “So?”

Jack: “So I’m not the only person who shouldn’t be here today.”


Jack:  “Forget about O’Neil. I wanna do it.”

Mason: “I’m dying, Jack, I’m not crazy. You and Nina together is a recipe for disaster.”

1 p.m. – 2 p.m.:  

Mason: “Jack, I don’t have to remind you. The last time I let you interrogate somebody, you shot him through the heart. I’m letting you do this, but I hope I’m not making a mistake.”

Jack:  “No mistake, George.”

2 p.m. – 3 p.m.:

Mason:  “What can I say? The guy’s a little crazy.That’s why I didn’t want him here in the first place, but… he gets results.And we need some pretty big results here, so…”


Nina: “He is gonna put a bullet in my head before I can say hello, and then he’s gonna turn the gun on himself.”

Jack: “We’ll make sure he doesn’t turn the gun on himself.”


John Mason: “If you’re looking to bond here, dad, having your son arrested probably isn’t the best way to do that.”

3 p.m. – 4 p.m.:

Jack: “The Sunday before you killed my wife, Teri and I went down to the boardwalk in Venice. Just watching all the rollerbladers and musicians, laughing at the crazy people… Just spending time together. And Teri sees this snow-cone stand. She giggles like a kid, she takes off running and she wants to get in line, she wants one. I remember I was watching her, just… I couldn’t help myself. And when I looked up at her she was talking with this old lady in line behind her, and the two of them were laughing. And I remember thinking to myself ‘How the hell does she do that? How does she strike up a conversation with an absolute stranger?’ And… And they just started laughing like they’d been friends forever. That’s a gift. I remember thinking ‘God, I wish I could do that.’ But I can’t. That was Teri. My wife. That’s what you took from this world, Nina. That’s what you took from me and my daughter. I just wanted you to know that.”

4 p.m. – 5 p.m.:  

Sherry: “What?”

Palmer: “I’m just wondering if you’ve really changed, or if you’ve just gotten better at pretending.”


Mason: “Remember the warehouse in Panorama City? Weapons-grade plutonium, airborne in the firefight.”

Tony: “You were exposed?”

Mason: “Yeah. Said I’d be lucky if I made it through tomorrow.”

Tony: “I don’t know what to say, George. I’m sorry.”

Mason:  “Me too.”



Nina: “I’ll tell you where the bomb is in exchange for immunity.”

Mike: “The president’s already granted you a total pardon.”

Nina: “Except this is a crime I haven’t committed yet.”

Mike: “What crime?”

Nina: “The murder of Jack Bauer.”


Nina: “This isn’t how you thought it would end, is it, Jack?”

Jack: “This isn’t over yet.”

 5 p.m. – 6 p.m.:  

Nina: “It didn’t have to be like this, Jack. I never meant for it to be personal.”

Jack: “It felt pretty personal when you killed my wife.”


Jack: “You kill me before they verify the information you gave them, you’ll be in violation of your agreement. They’ll just slap your ass back in jail.”

Nina: “And you’ll be dead.”

Jack: “I’m already dead.”


Reza:  “Look, my fiancée just left me on my wedding day because I’m sending her father to jail. And since he’s my employer, I think that pretty much means my whole life’s in the toilet. So why don’t you cut me some slack?”

Agent Richards: “There’s a nuke somewhere in this city. And if you don’t get me something useful in the next hour, I’ll take you back to CTU and chain you to the roof, so you’ll have a front row seat when the damn thing goes off.”


Mason: “You know, Michelle, I’m not a big advice giver, but under the circumstances… Don’t wait around for your life to happen to you. Find something that makes you happy, do it. Because everything else is all just background noise.”


Tony: “So, uh… what are we saying here, then? If we save LA from a nuclear bomb, then you and I can get together for dinner and a movie? Is that it?”

8 p.m. – 9 p.m.:

Palmer:“What are you trying to do? Start a war with the Middle East?”

George Stanton: “No.”

Palmer: “Then what?”

George Stanton: “Your defence policy is too passive. You need more resources.”

Palmer: “You’re trying to hijack my presidency.”

George Stanton: “No, no, no. I’d like to give it some balls.”

9 p.m. – 10 p.m.:

Kate: “I don’t believe you’d shoot me.”

Marie: “I will… because this is more important than your life. Or my life.”

 10 p.m. – 11 p.m.:

Palmer: “I’ve been thinking all day about something Lincoln said during the Civil War. ‘I don’t claim to have controlled events but confess plainly that events have controlled me.”


Jack: “Don’t move!”

Mason: “Hey, hey, hey. The service is bad enough on this flight. You don’t have to shoot me.”

Jack: “George, what the hell are you doing here?”

Mason:  “I felt like taking a ride.”


Mason: “You still got a life, Jack. You wanna be a real hero, here’s what you do. You get back down there and you put the pieces together. Find a way to forgive yourself for what happened to your wife, you make things right with your daughter, and you go on serving your country. That’d take some real guts.”


Jack: “You really think you can do this?”

Mason:  “Yes.”

Jack: “You are absolutely sure you can do this?”

Mason: “Jack, I’m supposed to do this.”

11 p.m. – 12 a.m.:

Tony: “Where the hell do you think you’re going, Jack?”

Jack: “I don’t have time to explain.”

Tony: “Let’s find the time.”

1 a.m. – 2 a.m.:

Police Man: “You can make a phone call when we get to the station.”

Kim: “Who am I gonna call? My dad was the one who was flying the plane, the one with the bomb in it. I don’t have anyone anymore.”

Wallace: “You know what, Jack? You were a real badass back there at the warehouse.” 

3 a.m. – 4 a.m.:  

Raymond: “Hey, Jack. You thought death would save you. You’re not gonna die until I kill you myself.”  

4 a.m. – 5 a.m.:  

Palmer: “I’m the president, Mike. You don’t call me by my first name.”


Kate: “I should’ve seen something was wrong before it got this bad. Because of what she did, it could start a war. I could’ve stopped it. I could’ve stopped it.”

Jack: “No, Kate, you couldn’t have. There are things in this world that are just out of our control. Sometimes we like to blame ourselves for them so that we can try and make sense out of it.”

7 a.m. – 8 a.m.:   

Marie: “You think you’ll be safe out there. You won’t be.”


Chappelle: “So… what’s up, my friend?”

Tony: “Well, um… It’s like this. Either fire me… or get out of my chair.”



© Luin Nov. 2003